Sunday, July 15, 2012


Webster defines learning as: 1) to gain knowledge, understanding or skill by study or experience; 2) to commit to memory; and 3) to find out.

I've always enjoyed learning. I remember, as a child, I loved school. My plan was to go to school to become a psychologist. I wanted to help people with their problems. Even as a young person, people felt comfortable telling me things. However, at age 20, during my sophomore year in college, I accepted the Lord as my personal savior, joined the church and got married. I started having more children and my education got put on the back burner while I took care of my family and others.

But I longed to return to school. I would have this recurring dream that I was at my high school graduation rehearsal and I was told I didn't have enough credits to walk across the stage. I knew this dream was just a reminder of that yearning for more higher learning.

When the Lord spoke to me to open a family child care home, at age 30, I had three children of my own ages, 6, 8 and 12. I opened it, but I knew in order for me to feel qualified and at peace about providing quality care, I had to learn more about early childhood education. I wanted more than just the minimum requirements of NC Credentials 1 & 2. So immediately, I enrolled in an Early Childhood Education degree program. I completed my Associate's Degree in Early Childhood Education and also received certifications in Early Childhood Administration and Early Childhood Development. My plan was to return to North Carolina Central University (NCCU) to complete my Bachelor's degree in Family and Consumer Sciences. However, the following year, I was going through a divorce and the daycare was closed. Therefore, I put off returning to school.

In the fall of 2010, my middle child entered college and I decided I would return to college in the Spring of 2011. I did return to NCCU and I am looking forward to graduating in December 2012 with my Bachelor's Degree in Family and Consumer Sciences with a concentration in Child Development and Family Relations. However, I don't want to stop. I'm continuing further. My first desire of helping others with their problems is still in me. I'm learning that I'm a resource person and that if I can't personally help you, I can refer you to someone who can help you. In order to do that I have to be a life long learner, because things are constantly changing.

However, school isn't my only teacher. I realize now that I've been having on the job training. From the time my mom brought me in this world she has been teaching me. The Spirit of the Lord teaches me. My leaders teach me. My husband and family teach me. Life experiences have taught me a lot and I'm still learning. People around me teach me. Learning about who I am and where I come from teaches me. I work with preschool age children and there are things they can teach me. I'm open to the teachings.

Learning opens many doors to you. It allows you to accept other people's thoughts and opinions without getting offended or being judgmental, as you realize everyone has been taught different things. You wonder why there is prejudice, because it was learned. Both good things and bad things can be learned. Knowing the difference in those good and bad things gives us the opportunity to make informed decisions. My prayer is Lord, let me learn everything you would desire for me to learn; then let me use it to better myself and help others.

Yes, I'm still learning.........

Saturday, July 14, 2012


T -  Treasure it  - because once it's gone it's gone.  No matter how much we remember the
       good old days, they are gone.  Each moment that passes is one moment less we have
       left to live in our mortal bodies.  It's one moment less to finish the course of our lives
       that God has for us.

I -   Invest is wisely - we want a good return on our time spent.  Let's figure out where we're
       spending it and see if it is worth the return.  Are we investing time in relationships (with
       God and others?  Are we spending time doing things to improve our lives and the lives
       of others?

M -  Make the most of it - because tomorrow is not promised.  If we should die today, would
        we have made the most of our time?

E  -   Enjoy it  - It's a gift from God.  What are we going to do with this gift? Think of all the
         great creations that were made for our enjoyment.  So why not enjoy our time?

Friday, July 13, 2012

I'm Coming Out

Diana Ross wrote the hit song, "I'm Coming Out" in 1980.  I was nine years old at the time but I really liked the song.  The first verse says, "There's a new me coming out and I just have to live and I just wanna give, I'm completely positive.  I think this time around  I am gonna do it, like you never knew it oh, I'll make it through.  The time has come for me to break out of this shell. I have to shout that I am coming out!"

In 2006, at age 35,  I made this my theme song.  It helped me as I was making hard life changes that people didn't expect from me. I acknowledged God and sought Him for answers.  When He released my answer, I talked to Him the more.  I told Him people are not going to understand.  I then heard so clearly, "To thine own self be true."  I knew then that He understood.  I didn't wrestle any more. I was ready to come out of my shell, no matter what the cost.

Now 6 years later, there's another level of coming out.  This time it's God pulling me out.  When I want to stay in the background, He's saying come out.  Where I'm used to being quiet, He's saying open your mouth. It's been closed long enough.

God is once again bringing His people up and out! No longer does He want us to stay in the background. We are the head and not the tail. There are many who have never been introduced to our loving God. God wants to introduce them through us.

People are looking for something real and different.  God is making ways for us to model that difference.  He's placing us in areanas in which we can be the light that guides people to Him.  God is supernaturally shifting us into government, businesses, entertainment fields, institutions of learning, sports and much more.  Yield to the new level of coming out.  It can be mind blowing.  You may even ask, "God, are you sure?"  Yes, He is very sure. It's for His glory.  If we don't come out, others will remain stuck. 

I'm coming out!  What about you?